Chemical peels, also known as facial peels, are a simple, non-surgical way to improve the appearance and texture of the skin. Chemical peels, along with medical facials at our office are effective for the removal of fine wrinkles around the mouth, cheeks, eyes, and forehead. A partial peel may be combined with other facial treatments such as Botox or dermal fillers to enhance results.
At our Midtown Manhattan, New York city office we offer a selection of medical grade chemical peels by Allergan. Ranging from superficial to deep peels, they treat a number of skin conditions, including aging and sun damaged skin, uneven skin tone, fine lines and wrinkles, acne and acne scarring, facial blemishes, dry patches, and can be used to diminish brown skin discoloration, as well as irregular pigmentation.
A chemical peel dissolves the dead skin cells on the surface of the skin that clog the pores and contribute to acne formation. By removing dead skin cells at the surface, chemical peels revitalize lackluster skin. Chemical agents also stimulate the generation of new skin cells during the healing process. A series of chemical peels can also help stimulate collagen production underneath the skin. Skin that has been maintained with chemical peels can achieve a smooth, fresh, and healthy-looking glow.
A light, gentle chemical peel that provides brightening and tightening that you desire. Reveals a more youthful glow. This peel is indicated for mild skin conditions, first-time chemical peel patients or patients looking for a gentle superficial peel.
Retinoic acid, alpha-hydroxy acids and resorcinol create a uniquely safe and strong superficial medical strength peel that reduces appearance of browns spots, sun damage, melasma, fine lines/wrinkles, acne and acne scarring. Peeling may start in forty eight hours. A series of peels is recommended for best results. Will create some downtime.
The Rejuvenize Peel is a professional grade, deep chemical peel that aggressively treats sun damage, melasma, acne, acne scarring and fine wrinkles in as little as just one application. Penetrating deeply into the surface layers of the skin, and begins working almost instantly. May require anesthetic application due to its strength, and will create longer down time.
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